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5 Tips to Relieve Stress & Organize Your Life

Stress is now widely believed to be the root cause of most physical, mental, and emotional illnesses as well as a worsening factor for most other conditions. 

Humans love to feel secure, no matter what the circumstances or outcome. As long as the prevailing environment is disordered, the mind and body are in a constant state of stress.

Those who live a planned existence usually enjoy greater peace, better health, and live longer.  

Normally, there is a natural decline in the stress hormone cortisol over the course of the day. Despite this, research has shown that coming home to an orderly household filled with chores to be done raises cortisol levels.

Your mood, sleep, and health are affected by this. So, having a clean, tidy house with all chores done doesn't just remove physical work. It will make you happier and more relaxed, and will allow you to feel more in control.

So, Here are 5 Tips to Relieve Stress & Organize Your Life:

Change your Perception – Declutter

It is difficult for some people to break the habit of accumulating. It's even more true if you were taught from a young age to save and not waste.

To make that work, you have to visualize how your home will look and feel without all the clutter. It helps if you focus on keeping only the things that you use and are important in your life. Changing your perception will reduce stress levels.

Physical decluttering makes things more organized and manageable. It will also have an organizing effect on your mind. When you are in control, there will be more balance in your life. You'll have more time to do the things you enjoy.

Planning is Important

There is a striking and obvious difference between disorganized people and organized people. Disorganized people muddle through life without any planning and make excuses for their lack of progress.

Organized people take steps to develop and achieve their goals, improving their lives in the process. 

Organization requires planning. That means looking ahead, doing things in the evening that will make the morning more structured and less stressful. Then, taking steps in the morning to organize the day, including planning for the evening.

The importance of planning how you spend your time cannot be stressed enough. You need to organize and prioritize your activities. Just remember, you'll get things done if you prioritized them. 

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned. - Anonymous

Improve your Productivity

Research reported in the Journal, Neuroscience, confirms that a cluttered messy working area is a distraction affecting a person’s ability to focus and concentrate. When there are too many things to look at the visual cortex becomes overloaded.

This has the effect of inhibiting the brain’s capability to process information. As a result, a neat, uncluttered workspace promotes efficiency and productivity.

An uncluttered and peaceful home life produces better relationships. When a family works together to keep the home a pleasant place to be, there is less stress and disagreements. Good organizational skills allow them to spend more time doing the things they enjoy. 

Less Stress Means Better Health

Being more organized will help you live a healthy & less stressful life. Even something as basic as dining well and deriving the full benefit from nutritious food requires a functional kitchen and a happy, relaxed mealtime.

When you're more organized & in control, you become more mindful about what food and exercise your body needs. You become more aware of how to maintain your overall health.

Becoming More Organized:

Living a less moment-to-moment existence will provide benefits in all areas of health. Providing the mind with the structure it desires will result in feeling in control of daily life, and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.

So, to recap. In order to be less stressed & more organized, you need to consider the following:

  • Declutter your surroundings.
  • Plan your day.
  • Improve your productivity.
  • Be mindful of what you eat & try exercising a little.
  • Try to be more organized.

5 Tips to Relieve Stress & Organize Your Life